Man playing with boy on porch




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Community Partner

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Sundiata African American Cultural Association

Services offered by this Community Partner
  • Education
  • Event
The Sundiata African American Cultural Association produces the annual Festival Sundiata, also known as Black Arts Fest at Seattle Center. Festival Sundiata is a breath of fresh air when it comes to racial relations and cultural competency. Our volunteer group works all year - giving our best effort - to celebrate and introduce the culture of people of African decent to people in the Northwest. Each one of our festivals are free of charge to attend and the festival showcases local and regional Entertainment, Art and Photography Exhibits, Retail and Food Merchants and a dynamic Children’s Place.
PhonePhone: (206) 226-1507
County ServedKing
Address P.O. Box 24723
Seattle, WA 98124

Directions: Google Maps | MapQuest | Bing Maps