Teens flying American flag in the wind




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Our Purpose

What we do: The role of the Commission on African American Affairs is to examine and define issues pertaining to the rights and needs of African-Americans and make recommendations to the Governor, the Legislature and state agencies for changes in state programs and laws in short,  CAAA advocates for the community to the Governor, state Legislature and state agencies. This purpose statement comes directly from the state law that created the Commission and defines our duties and powers.

RCW 43.113.030
Powers and Duties.

The commission shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) Examine and define issues pertaining to the rights and needs of African Americans, and make recommendations to the governor and state agencies for changes in programs and laws.
(2) Advise the governor and state agencies on the development and implementation of policies, plans, and programs that relate to the special needs of African Americans.
(3) Advise the legislature on issues of concern to the African American community.
(4) Establish relationships with state agencies, local governments, and private sector organizations that promote equal opportunity and benefits for African Americans.
(5) Receive gifts, grants, and endowments from public or private sources that are made for the use or benefit of the commission and expend, without appropriation, the same or any income from the gifts, grants, or endowments according to their terms.

Read our entire state law RCW 43.113.005