Family playing with hula hoops in back yard




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Our Activities

What the Commission Does

Commission board members and staff work hard to do these things all year long:

  • Recommend policies and programs that will improve service to Black people by:
    • Developing and advancing a Legislative Agenda of policy proposals that are important to the Black community
    • Relaying demands from the community to policy makers in government
    • Helping elected and appointed officials understand the needs of our community
    • Taking positions on policy issues and recommending new policies and/or programs
    • Testifying before the Legislature, before advisory boards, and in other settings
    • Hosting policy forums and other events, when allowed by statue, to improve conditions in our community, including African American Legislative Day
  • Share information inside and outside of state government by:
    • Gathering and sharing statistics about the status of African Americans
    • Distributing information about programs, grants, and contracting opportunities
    • Connecting those in need to the right government programs and services
    • Referring complaints, questions, and issues to the right places and people for helpful action
  • Reach out to the Black community and to government agencies by:
    • Talking with experts in various fields, such as education, health, and civil rights and carrying their recommendations to legislators, the Governor, and other policy makers
    • Working with state agency directors and managers to improve services to Black people
  • Perform ceremonial and public relations duties
    • Requesting proclamations and/or greetings from the Governor
    • Representing the Governor at ceremonial events
    • Public speaking on various topics