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Economic Security

You Should Know . . .


Are you a Small Business?

Here are some resources for new or well-established small businesses:

The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) will be conducting Civil Rights Construction Project Program Training. This will cover numerous changes in the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program regulations and contract specifications. WSDOT will provide contractors and other interesed individuals with a variety of program updates and training. Various dates and locations around the state. To register, please complete the LTAP Training Online Registration Form. Contact Jennifer Summers at 360-705-7089 or via email summerj@wsdot.wa.gov for more information.

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Supportive Services and Business Development Programs

The Office of Equal Opportunity manages the DBE Supportive Services Program and the DBE Business Development Program. These programs are available to DBEs certified in the highway construction industry to include: construction companies, consultants, manufacturers and regular dealers.

Supportive Services provides the following for free:

  • Targeted technical assistance on a range of business topics including, but not limited to: accounting, marketing, and estimating expertise. With your input more services can be added.
  • Construction plans, specifications and manuals
  • Announcements of outreach and training through regular emails

Businesses considering DBE certification may contact OEO for help getting certified through the Office of Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises (OMWBE).

Business Development Program:

The Business Development Program is intended to increase participation of highway-related DBEs who have had limited success in obtaining work on WSDOT projects by providing a combination of one-on-one counseling, training, techniques and tools necessary for operating a successful small business.

With the intent of helping companies grow, this program requires creating and submitting a business plan to OEO. Assistance for creating plans is provided by OEO. Free classroom-style learning is provided on a regular basis and is announced through this website and OEO’s regular email notices. Those receiving assistance through Supportive Services are encouraged to attend this training as well.

For more information about these programs please contact Dennis Worrell in the Office of Equal Opportunity at worreld@wsdot.wa.gov or 360-705-7088.

Contracting Opportunities

DSHS RFPs can be found here.