Teens flying American flag in the wind




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Expert Resource

Need help dealing with your child's school?

Do you want to get involved in your child's school in more effective ways? Do you have unresolved issues with your child's school?

The Washington State governor's Office of the Education Ombuds will help

  • Listen to concerns and perspectives
  • Advocate for consumer access to fair processes
  • Ensure focus is on positive student outcomes
  • Resolve complaints through alternative dispute resolution techniques
  • Collect data, identify trends, and report recommendations to policy makers and elected officials to improve educational access and outcomes for students
  • Answer questions about the public education system

Call the Ombudsman's Office toll-free, 1-866-297-2597, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST


College and Career Compass Can Help You Navigate Life After High School

You've probably been thinking about what the current public health and economic crisis means for your future. While the present is uncertain, one thing is clear: education beyond high school is more important than ever. 

Continuing your education after high school gives you more options. Research shows college graduates earn more and are less likely to be unemployed. Luckily, there’s a great tool available to help you prepare and plan for the future—and it’s free!  

Check out Washington’s College & Career Compass:  

Explore educational programs that match your career interests.  
Learn more about the value of college and how financial aid can help you pay for a certificate, apprenticeship, or degree.  
Connect directly with a campus to get additional support.

Don’t be discouraged. Stay motivated, get ready, and focus on the future. College & Career Compass makes it easy. Learn more at compass.wa.gov.