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Community Partner

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King County Partners
  • Advocacy

Northwest Community Bail Fund posts bail for individuals in King, Pierce and Snohomish County. Their work assures that the most targeted and...

Cierra Sisters provides support for cancer patients and family members. The organization works to bridge the gap between researchers, physicians and...

Hip Hop is Green provides health and wellness education and resources centered around climate change and plant-based foods. The organization's...

The National Association of Minority Contractors of Washington provides support to minority-owned and disadvantaged businesses. NAMC hosts a monthly...

Tabor 100 is an association of entrepreneurs and business advocates who are committed to economic power, educational excellence and social equity for...

Lavender Rights Project is creating a world in which the Black and Indigenous gender diverse communities are at the forefront of liberation and...

Rainier Beach Action Coalition (RBAC) is a place-based non-profit rooted in Rainier Beach and stewarding its Neighborhood Plan. This calls for...

CHOOSE 180 envisions a future where youthful behavior is decriminalized and young people are offered restorative practices in lieu of traditional...

Voices of Tomorrow aims to reduce the educational disparities for East African immigrant and refugee children, within the state of Washington.

Empowering new and emerging Black and Brown community leaders, returning citizens and community-rooted organizations through youth mentorship. We...

Working to dismantle the institution of mass incarceration and heal its traumatic effects on individuals directly impacted by incarceration, on their...

Africatown Community Land Trust is working for community ownership of land in the Central District that can support the cultural and economic...

Black Dollar Days Task Force, BDDTF mission is to promote the principles of self-help, self-sufficiency, and sustainability by providing...

Creates opportunities for Black and Brown young people to take a stance, lead, and declare their brilliance in the face of systemic racism and...

Provide opportunities for African Diaspora immigrant and refugee communities, families, and individuals in King County to attain health and housing...

Champions an inclusive environment for STEM education and empowers a myriad of diverse communities through STEM innovation.

Kent Black Action Commission was born out of a need to have a forum for the African American Community to come together on issues that affect our...

Public, non-profit 501(c)3 grassroots organization, formed in 2012 by Somali health professionals and volunteers concerned about the health...

Non-profit organization that supports refugees and immigrants in Washington and beyond. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to achieve...

Helps West Africans and other immigrants, refugees and people of color to thrive in the Puget Sound region. Serves over 4,000 individuals each...