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Pierce County Partners
  • Advocacy

Northwest Community Bail Fund posts bail for individuals in King, Pierce and Snohomish County. Their work assures that the most targeted and...

Cierra Sisters provides support for cancer patients and family members. The organization works to bridge the gap between researchers, physicians and...

Hip Hop is Green provides health and wellness education and resources centered around climate change and plant-based foods. The organization's...

NAACP Tacoma is an advocacy organization that provides support to individuals being subjected to discrimination in areas of education, housing,...

The National Association of Minority Contractors of Washington provides support to minority-owned and disadvantaged businesses. NAMC hosts a monthly...

Tabor 100 is an association of entrepreneurs and business advocates who are committed to economic power, educational excellence and social equity for...

Lavender Rights Project is creating a world in which the Black and Indigenous gender diverse communities are at the forefront of liberation and...

Support and encourage culture and arts. Community outreach and advocacy.

Dedicated to unifying modern-day civil rights activists and grassroots organizations, LegallyBLACK focuses on creating awareness of the racial...

CHOOSE 180 envisions a future where youthful behavior is decriminalized and young people are offered restorative practices in lieu of traditional...

Voices of Tomorrow aims to reduce the educational disparities for East African immigrant and refugee children, within the state of Washington.