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Bound: Africans vs. African-Americans

Film screening: "Bound: Africans vs. African-Americans"  

Youtube link to trailer: https://youtu.be/1H2oPWTgw4o

The goal is to restart the dialogue between Africans and African-Americans in the Seattle/greater King County area.  Come be a part of the solution.

We want to dispel the myths and stereotypes the media has fed us for years about the two groups and show we are really ONE.  We want create an environment of working together for one common cause and developing the unity necessary to improve our collective quality of life.

For this to happen we need the cooperation and participation of as many African communities in the area as possible and as well as many as possible African-Americans to come out and be a part of this history making event; shifting the landscape of the Black Community in Seattle 

We will have groups discussions focusing on "SOLUTIONS" after the film and there will be a reception with food from local African and African American restaurants.

Informal dress code is African themed if you are able, we would love to take a picture to share our history making event.

Saturday March 9th, 2019 @ 4pm
Langston Hughes Performing Arts Institute 
104 17th Ave S Seattle, WA 98144

Register at Eventbrite - free admission

Saturday, March 9, 2019 - 4:00pm to 8:00pm
Event Location: 

Langston Hughes Performing Arts Institute 104 17th Ave S. Seattle, WA 98144

Expiration Date: 
Saturday, March 9, 2019