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Section Four – Commission Meetings | By-Laws and Standing Procedure



The Commissioners shall hold a public meeting five times per year in various locations throughout the state. Meeting date and location information shall be widely distributed at least two weeks prior to the meeting. Before January of each year, the Commission shall file, with the Washington State Register, a schedule of date, time and city or town where the meeting will be held. The meeting will comply with the ADA and the Open Public Meetings Act.

Guest speakers or visitors are encouraged and welcome to attend any Commission meeting.


Every effort will be made to provide advance notice of any changes or cancellations of a Commission meeting. The Executive Director will make the decision whether a meeting will be cancelled. In the absence of a quorum, adoption of meeting minutes, voting, or motions are prohibited.

Any changes on the annual meeting schedule shall be sent to the Washington Register / Washington Code Revisor’s office as soon as possible.


Commissioners and the Executive Director shall attend all meetings unless excused by the Chair of the Commission. A request to be excused from the meeting must be submitted by e-mail, facsimile, telephone or in writing at least 24 hours prior to the meeting when possible. Any Commissioner who misses three consecutive meetings with no valid excuses will be asked to voluntarily resign by the Commission.


A special meeting may be called by the chair of the Commission and/or at the joint request of at least three commissioners. An e-mail, facsimile or telephone notice to each member of the Commission and a notification to the public regarding the nature of the meeting shall be distributed at least twenty-four hours prior to the meeting. Special Commission meetings can take place without a quorum. However, official action can not be taken without a quorum.


Executive session may be held during a regular or special meeting to discuss confidential personnel issues, such as the annual performance review of the Executive Director and/or to consider and review charges brought against a Commissioner, the Executive Director, or Commission staff. However, upon request of such person, a public meeting shall be conducted to openly discuss such complaints or charges. Notification will be given to an individual as deemed appropriate by the Commission.

The Chair of the Commission shall publicly announce the purpose for the executive session prior to convening in Executive Session.

Details of board investigators, personnel files, or business discussed at closed executive sessions should not be disclosed unless they are part of public record.


Minutes shall be recorded by the staff and approved or corrected by the commissioners at the next scheduled Commission meeting when a quorum is present. With the exception of the executive minutes, all other meeting minutes shall be promptly recorded and distributed to the commissioners prior to the next meeting. The minutes are available upon request for public inspection.


Pursuant to RCW 43.115.030(3), half of the current appointed commissioners plus one shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting business.


A majority vote of the Commissioners at any regular meeting, special meeting, or executive session shall be required to carry a motion, unless otherwise specifically provided for herein. The Chair shall not vote except in the case of a tie or in the adoption of the administrative policy or any amendments thereto, or in the election of the Commission Chair, or the selection of a preferred recommended candidate for Executive Director.

Voting by mail and proxy vote shall not be permitted.